Monday, June 9, 2008


Previously posted (by me) at myspace:

A googol = 10 duotrigintillion = 10^100 = ten to the hundredth power. A googolplex = ten to the googolth power. That is alot, but the numbers only get bigger from there.
There is no known quantity in the universe which can be counted by the googol, with the largest estimate of particles in the universe (only) up to 10^87. Nobody knows for sure because we don't have enough fingers to count that high.
I don't know if anybody has named the actual, exact, unquantified number of particles in the universe (whatever it may be). If they have, fine, I'm beat, but according to my google searches only Archimedes came close, estimating 10^64 as a hypothetical amount of number of sand grains to fill the universe (or something like that). Anyway, if this actual, (hypothetical?) quantity of total particles in the universe hasn't been named yet, I'm naming it a universillion. For fun's sake (since this is such fun) a universillion is all of the 'matter' particles, the 'anti-matter' particles would be a negative universillion. Heh, heh.
So, you read it here first; now doesn't that make you feel all special warm and fuzzy?
This could actually be useful for thought experiments, like 2 universillions, 10 universillions, a googol universillions, infinite universillions, etc.. You could abbreviate it as a 'u' and do math with it, 1u + (-1u) = 0, meaning a universillion plus an anti-universillion = 0. Maybe somebody wants to write that proof?


whaleshaman said...

|u| = u



u/0 is undefined.

& then there's the always popular u to the uth power.

When all the counting is said and done and double-checked, I hope it's a perfect square.

herb the verb said...

Thanks for commenting whaleshaman, I thought this idea was alot of fun for the poetry of the concept. Reductio ad absurdum at its finest to reduce the entire universe to one letter.

A u to the uth! I love it!